SRIMADBHAGVAD GITA:Sanskrit Text-Romanised Text,H-Eng.Trans.
Edition: 13
Subject(s): Religion
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Title: SRIMADBHAGVAD GITA:Sanskrit Text-Romanised Text,H-Eng.Trans.
ISBN 13: 9788186264645
ISBN 10: 8186264647
Edition: 13
Year: 2023
Language: SAN/HIN/ENG
Pages etc.: 444p
Binding: Hardbound
Subject(s): Religion
HB-31493 SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA is just not a holy book. It has also gained a prominent place in literature of the world. It contains divine words emanating from the lips of Lord Krishna. This great epic is an eloquent proof of the observation. As a scripture, this book embodies the supreme spiritual maystery and secrets. Its style is so simple and elegant that with a little study one cane easily follow the structure of its words, yet the thoughts behind those words are so deep and abstruse that even for life time, constant study of this Book may not show an end of it. Its a part of the 'Mahabharata', but even then it has its own identity, which has made it more prominent than the Mahabharata. It mmay look to be jusst a narration of the happenings of the war between Kauravas and Pandavas, but it is the philosophy of life, expressed from the lips of Lord Krishna, addressed to the warrior Arjuna. Book in English & Hindi Translation with text in Sanskrit & Roman.
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